Predatory stink bugs (Pentatomidae)

Podisus adult. Photo credit: Marlin E. Rice.

General Information:

Pentatomidae is a large family of true bugs, many members of which are plant feeders and sometimes pests of potato (see the stink bug link under the “Insect Library” menu). Everyone involved in growing potatoes should know, however, that some stink bugs like Perillus and Podisus are beneficial predators of soft-bodied pests such as Colorado potato beetle and caterpillars. These stink bugs are often not abundant, but if a grower is lucky enough to have good numbers of them, they are very effective predators.

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About The Northwest Potato Research Consortium

In February 2012 the state potato commissions in Washington, Idaho, and Oregon officially launched a new cooperative effort in research. The aim of this initiative is to increase cooperation and efficiency of the research programs funded by the three potato commissions that total about $1.5 million annually. It will also work toward comprehensive research results reporting process that aims to get useful information to the growers and industry members who need it. This website is a big part of that effort. Research results, integrated pest management guidance, and production information of many kinds will be presented here. For feedback or suggestions on this site, please contact Raina Spence, Manager of the Consortium.

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